Time – A backward poem

Time passes on. all the same as before

Leaves fall down

Trees grow and wilt

They are cut down by what we call humans

Land being moved and bought

Animal’s homes destroyed

For what

So we have more places to shop, more industries to pollute our planet

The pollution comes with sorrow, sadness,

Regret fills the air

Once humans see what they have done,

They try to fix it all

Little do they know,

It’s too late.

They try and try again

If only humans realized earlier

Maybe we wouldn’t be here

Maybe it wouldn’t have gotten this far

But time passes on

We may forget

We may try

It can never be undone

All the damage has been dealt

My thoughts on COVID-19

The things that are happening aren’t so bad. I think we all know that thing were worse before. But you know what’s weird? Everything that is happening right now is like what happened during the Spanish flu, and that happened almost 100 years ago. That is what scares me. Will some thing like this happen in 100 years or maybe less then 100 years.  But the question is will we be ready for it when it comes? Knowing we weren’t ready for it now. That’s what I wonder.

The Memory String

One of my favorite books is “The Memory String”. “The Memory String” reminds me that you should never judge someone before you get to know them. In the “Memory String”Laura judges Jane even though Jane is really nice.

  One reason Laura is rude to Jane is because she thinks Jane is trying to replace her mom.In the text it says,”Oh Laura my dear,” Jane said. It was what my mom would  have said. Jane’s voice was soft,as my mom’s would have been.But this wasn’t mom. Mom died 3 years ago. This was Jane.This proves Laura thinks Jane is trying to take her mom’s place.

  In the story when Laura explains the memory string ,she is trying to prove that Jane is not her mom.Some proof from the text is ,”I can’t talk about my memory string to myself, can I?You have to stay here,”Laura says to Whiskers. This proves that Laura needs Whiskers to talk about her memory string out loud.

 In the story Jane is actually really nice. Some evidence from the text is,”And I’ll help you restring it,”Jane said . “Thanks, but I know how to do it. “Laura said to Jane.This proves that Laura does not want her help because she still thinks Jane is trying to take her mom’s place.

  As you see in the story, you should not judge someone before you get to know them.

The Dream Catcher

Things you need to know- Ava is an 11-year-old girl who collects dream catchers. And does karate and gymnastics

Dear, Diary I live in New York City. My dad and I went to a park there was a store that sells dream catchers. We went in the store, and a saw an awesome looking dream catcher it looked magical. I asked my dad if we could get it.

All he said was ,”We will get it on your birthday.”

Then, without saying a word they left the shop and went home. Once it was my birthday we got it. When we got home , I hung it up. When I went to sleep, I woke up in this magical looking world with unicorns, mermaids, fairies, dragons, and more amazing things. Then when I turned around, I saw a scary dark-looking place. It looked like all your worst fears combined in one world. I ran into a centaur.

He said to me, “Hi my name is Barty I escort people who got the teleportation dream catcher that leads you into this world, and I tell them about this world. So, where you are right now is Dream Land. Over there.”

He pointed to the dark looking place.

“Is Dream Crashes land. So, the process is very simple all dream catchers in the world capture the bad dreams and send them here. Then, we send something from Dream Land to take place of someones bad dream.”

“OK,” I said.

“So, is the Dream Crashers world kind a like a prison.”

“Yeah that’s one way to put it.” said Barty.

“Oh so why am I here,” I said.

“Um you are destined to save Dream Land. That’s why I brought you here with the dream catcher.” Said Barty.


“Yeah you need to battle the boss.”

“Who is the boss?” I said.

“Nobody actually knows who or what the boss is.” said Barty. “But you go to the tower of evil and defeat the boss before they tries to unleash the people in Dream Crashers.” If the boss does, people all over the world will have bad dreams.” Said Barty.

Then, without question I went to the tower of evil. Then, I saw the boss. He is not what you expected. He was a baby!!!

He said, “Hi I’m the Boss Baby.”

I went up to him and said, “Aw you’re so cute. I can’t hurt someone like you.”

But then he took swords out of his pocket and almost sliced me to death. Luckily I used my quick reflexes and did a back bend. Than I used my karate skills to beat him up. Every time I got close to kick him he got an inch closer to slicing me. But I won in the end. Then, at the end I went back home and never spoke a word about dream land.